Dear The Hair Fuel community & customers,
I’m here to inform you of the printing error that was made in relation to batches 24513, 24037, 24019, 24021, 202121 and 202111.
We discovered that our manufacturer printed an incorrect expiry date on those batches – however this was discovered too late to adjust!
- Printed expiry dates for batches 24019 and 24021 are 10.22 (October 2022) – while they should have been 10.23 (October 2023).
- For the batches 202121 and 202111 printed expiry dates were 29-01-2023, while it should have been 29-01-2024.
- For the batch 24513, printed expiry date was 01.23, while it should have been 01.24.
- For the batch 24037, printed expiry date was 09.22, while it should have been 09.23.
That’s why you might find a small sticker with the correct expiry dates, like follows:
If your sachet is from the affected batch, but doesn’t have a sticker – the expiry date is still as listed above (i.e. a year later than the printed one).
A small batch of products have been affected by this, but rest assured that the quality of the mask is not at all impacted by this printing error. Our apologies if this made you feel worried!
Lots of love,
Laura & The Hair Fuel team